AMBI-SEAL 5.0 – 8kg/m3 40-44m3 USA 205kg
Czy wszystkie piany są jednakowe?
Formuła piany otwarto-komórkowej z zupełnie innej bajki, przy której musicie zapomnieć o wszystkim co było dotychczas.
AMBI-SEAL 5.0 is an open cell polyurethane spray foam insulation. The improved heat stability of the resin allows for easy control and application robustness over a wide temperature range.
AMBI-SEAL 5.0 shows excellent adhesion to a wide range of substrates typically found in building construction, as well as air seals and insulates in one step.
AMBI-SEAL 5.0 meets the intent of the building codes for residential and commercial construction.
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